Epiphyllum Anguliger | Fishbone Cactus | 14CM Hang Pot
Epiphyllum Anguliger | Fishbone Cactus | 14CM Hang Pot
What a funky ornamental cactus with fantastic foliage and glorious flowers. The Fishbone Cactus is a great bathroom plant as it enjoys high humidity. When this funky plant produces flowers, they are creamy white, with long lemon yellow to orange-brown outer petals and have a bold scent. Epiphyllum anguliger are also know as the Moon Cactus and Rick-Rack (or Ric-Rac) Cactus and fishbone cactus.
This plant also looks best displayed as a hanging plant, show it off by pairing it with a macrame hanger!
Ideal location: Any room, but loves humidity, so best in bathrooms and kitchens
Light conditions: Prefers a bright spot. But be careful, not a fan of direct sunlight as it can burn their leaves.
Watering: allow the top of the soil to dry out before watering. In winter, allow a little more time between waterings. Avoid standing in water, but loves high humidity, so don’t forget to give it a mist.
Temperature: Keep at normal room temperature, but requires 24 degrees to flower
Please note, the decorative planter is not included in the price.